
Custom Tailored to Every Client
We offer more than just selling of e-machines here at Minimotors NYC, making sure our clients receive the best customization available in the market. Our Customization service is second to none since we make sure our clients receive the best deals and prices from the parts we supply. Come by our Retail Store or contact us online to learn more about the different customization we offer and how these may suit your machines.
Let Us Do the Work For You
From tires to brakes to lightings, here in Minimotors NYC, we provide repair works as well as upgrade options for our client to satisfy their needs for their machines. We offer in-house custom-fabricated parts to pimp up your ride where you can't find them anywhere else that makes our clients shine with their own signature build. Do not have a machine that carries our brands? Fret not, feel free to enquire with us and we will do our best to serve you.
Never always about business
Business aside, we are also very friendly! We prefer to engage with our clients on a personal level so they feel at home. Why such a premium machine when you don't ride it? Feel free to holler at us for a ride out around town! Rides will be scheduled on our Facebook and Instagram pages, join the community anytime. Do drop by to our store anytime for a charge-up before your riding adventure. Definitely, no obligations!